The PPROM Page
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Inna's PROM Story

By Inna, Toronto, ON Canada
PROM at 16 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 26 weeks + 4 days.
Story added: 2011-05-11
My story is successful one!!
This was my third pregnancy. First two were absolutely normal with term vaginal deliveries. Third pregnancy started with a lot of complications from the begining. On the 10th week vaginal bleeding started and it continued till the day of delivery. I had 3 ultrasounds which were showing partial placenta seperation, but everything was fine with baby: heart rate was normal, blood supply was normal, normal growth. When I came for the next ultrasound (16 weeks) it showed that I don't have amniotic fluid. I had no idea that something like this can happen, and wasnt even sure when exactly it happened because I was bleeding all the time, sometimes bright red blood, sometimes watery blood. But it never clicked in my mind that it's amniotic fluid, becuase like I said before I didn't know that something like this can happen. That was the worst day of my life. My OB said to wait couple weeks and see maybe membranes will heal. In 2 weeks we repeated ultrasound and it showed BPP (0 for amniotic fluid volume). My OB said that I have to terminate the pregnancy. I refused. Since I made my decision to continue with the pregnancy, I recieved 0 support from my OB. I had to do research all on my own. This website helped me tremendously!! My OB said that nothing will help me, he wouldn't suggest bed rest or anything else, his only suggestion was to abort.
I decided to go on bed rest. I showered once a week, was drinking lots of cranberry juice, was taking vitamin C, materna and DHA (fish oil). And the most important I prayed day and nignt!I truly believe that my baby is a miracle and only God can decide who is going to live and who will not. I was lucky enough to get to 24 weeks and that's when I was admitted to the hospital. I received Celestone and stayed at the hospital till birth. Every week I had US and it always showed BPP 0 (maximum vertical pocket 3cm), but fetal growth was normal. I went in labour at 26 weeks +4 days. Baby was immediately brought to the resuscitation room, she was intubated by 90 seconds of life. She had heart murmur (PDA) - she got 2 treatments of indomethacin, it didnt close, but became restrictive. On the 6th day she was switched to ByPhasic CPAP, she was on it for 4 weeks. Then she was switched to CPAP for 3 weeks, and then on low flow for couple weeks.She was breathing on her own by 35 weeks. She was at home at 37 weeks. She is 2 months corrected now and doing great!!!
Don't loose hope and don't let anybody to tell you what to do! Listen to you heart and do what you think is right for you adn pray and your prayers will be answered!!!
Email me if you have any questions, if you need support.