The PPROM Page
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Kymani's Post PROM Story

By Kymani Joseph, Florida United States
PROM at 23 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 23 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2013-06-22
Hi ladies On december 22 2010 I was sent to the maternity ward with a case of incompetent cervix, dr said that my membrane was already rupture and my cervix was already dilating,I had a few link in the week before but did not think nothing of it.I was on strick bed rest with plenty of antibiotics, I gave birth to my baby boy on christmas morning @ 8 am. He was 20 weeks gastation1al. It was very sad moment for my hussy and I , he died 1/2 hour later. Dr then diagnose me with cervical insuffincency and said a cervical cerclage will be place the next time. Ok after two long years we decided to try again I got pregnant on december 24 2013 and when I was 12 weeks the dr place a cerclage, I was on bed rest for two weeks then was sent to work, I remember getting bv at one point which my on gave me flagyl for which work great, also had yeast infection and was taking canesten, she said it was due to the cerclage which is a foreign body. But from 18 weeks I started getting heavy pain right on my pelvis.note I was working all the time(desk job) and doing a lot of 23 weeks and 2 days while I was asleep by water bag rupture(like a water bollon) went to the hospital was given steriods and antibiotics. Did and ultrasound doctor said I had indeed rupture my water bag and there was not enough water for the baby,the also did a swab and founf infection, but the best part of this mystery was my enternal os was close,no funneling , stitch in place cervix still long. Contraction started 4 days later, dr remove stitch gave bith to my baby the following day at 23 weeks 6 days at 7 am he struggle for life and went to heaven at 10 pm the same is very difficult dealing with all of this,need some advice for the next time.need a baby so badly