The PPROM Page
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Paige's PROM Story

By Paige, Houston United States
PROM at 21 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 31 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2014-02-28
I hope this isn't too wordy. I will try to tell my story as briefly as possible. My first two children (girl 7, boy 4) both weighed 9 lbs after normal, full term pregnancies. After initially being diagnosed with a miscarriage, I had a rocky third pregnancy. I experienced gushes of heavy bleeding on and off, with multiple ER visits and ultrasounds showing no complications. At my 20 week anatomy scan, a spot on my placenta was detected and I was told to come back after 3 weeks to check on what looked to be a blood clot. Two days later, I had a weird feeling, like a pop followed by a heavy gush of blood, fluid and two large clots. The ER just monitored my baby's heartbeat and my doctor saw nothing unusual during an ultrasound the next day. On Thanksgiving Day I had a gush of blood tinged fluid. The next week, at the follow up to my anatomy scan, the ultrasound only showed 3cm of fluid. I was 23w 5d and was immediately sent to a hospital with a level 4 NICU. I stayed there for 8 weeks on bed-rest. When I was 31w 3d, I went into labor. Four hours after labor began, my baby wasn't tolerating the contractions and was not very responsive on an ultrasound. A c-section was performed and my son was born at 3 pounds 15 ounces and 15.75 inches long. He was intubated for a little over a day and then moved to CPAP for nearly a week. He was moved to level 2 NICU after just one week where he stayed for 4 more weeks. He's not expected to have any issues as a result of pprom. This experience was extremely stressful but we made it through by the grace of God. My son is nothing less than a miracle.