The PPROM Page
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Cole's Post PROM Story

By Cole Edwards, baltimore, md usa
PROM at 10 weeks + 4 days. Delivery at 18 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2003-05-03
My first child was born at 32 weeks, 5 days after an inducement because he had stopped growing. My PROM occured a week before that and we intended to wait it out as my labor stopped when my water broke and I seemed to be filling back up. Once they discovered his IUGR, he was born, healthy and fine. Jasper was very small , under 3 lbs but is a very healthy (though still alittle small) breastfeeding 2 year old who is ahead developementally for his age.He suffered no problems due to his prematurity.
My second child, a girl was lost, though. My PROM happened at 10 weeks, 5 days and was after a substantial amount of bleeding and discharge. I did not know that is what happened at the time because I was not expecting this to happen at 10 weeks. I had an ultrasound which showed no fluid. I remained that way until the D&E at 18 plus weeks. Prior to surgery, I was having contractions and baby was seen by ultrasound to not move and was in the fetal postion, low in my pelvis awaiting to miscarry. We were so shocked something like this could happen. They had no idea why I wasn't miscarrying. We would have continued the pregnancy anyway but the abruption was very bad and were afraid of severe bleeding or retention of placenta during delivery. I am being tested now for lupus as that might be the cause of my pregnancy loss. Dr. is also reccomending a cerclage if my cervix shortens again. That happened in both pregnancies for unexplained reasons. We are so devasted but want another baby. We feel so lucky to have Jasper and feel somewhat selfish for wanting another one considering the riskes. My best thoughts and wishes to all other mothers.