The PPROM Page
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Tammy's PROM Story

By Tammy Daugherty, Marion, Va USA
PROM at 22 weeks + 5 days. Delivery at 23 weeks.
Story added: 2003-06-06
Hello my name is Tammy. I wanted to write this story so that maybe some of the mothers and fathers out there could have hope for a healthy full term baby after PPROM.

In Feb. of 2001 I became pregnant for the first time. We had tried for 6 years and we thought it wasnt going to happen. Then I became pregnant. Well anyway, we were so happy but on June 22, 2001 my water broke. I had a beautiful little baby boy and we named him Zachery O'Bryan Daugherty. He was so beautiful. We still dont know what cause my PPROM.

The second and third pregnancy >>