The PPROM Page
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Jennifer's PROM Story

By Jennifer , LA USA
PROM at 20 weeksDelivery at 20 weeks.
Story added: 1999-04-26
My name is Jennifer, and in May 1997 I was carrying my daughter, Lindsey. I had recently moved to Los Angeles, and my family had planned an early baby shower for me back home in Denver on May 27. After having a complete check up at the doctor the Monday before, my husband and I drove to Denver for the baby shower. The morning of the shower, I woke up with what I thought was urine leaking. (I thought I had peed the bed). I went back to sleep, thinking nothing of it, since it was very little. Later that morning I woke, feeling "different". I felt heavier in front, and kind of crampy like a period. I mentioned it to my husband and father, and we all thought it was nothing. We went to breakfast, and even went to buy our stroller before the shower.

When I was getting ready a few hours later, I went to the bathroom, and found a large amount of blood. I wasn't currently bleeding, and everyone seemed to think lots of women bleed during pregnancy. So, we left for the baby shower. As soon as I arrived at my sisters house, I told my mother what I was feeling. She offered to take me across the street to the hospital "just to make me feel better" so that I could enjoy my shower.

They performed an ultrasound, and there was our baby, moving and appeared fine. Then a doctor came in and showed us how the sac had "hourglassed" into the vaginal canal. She told us that the chances of survival were extremely low. My memories of the remained are fogged.

They rushed me upstairs, and at some point told me that I was developing an infection because the sac was leaking. They told me they would have to induce labor, and my baby would die. I know those of you with PROM know the horror of those words. I could feel my baby moving inside of me, but also knew that it was time to deliver her, and that she couldn't survive. They induced with triple pitocin, with no pain relief, and the labor was agonizing.

Finally, I delivered Lindsey still in the sac, so they had to hook it. After cleaning her up and pronouncing her dead, we all had the chance to hold her, and say our goodbyes. I am so thankful that I was at home when all of this happened with the love and support of my family around me. Now, it is almost the 2 year anniversary of Lindsey's death, and I am again pregnant (and will be 20 weeks at the same time I was with Lindsey). I am on complete bedrest, and they have placed a cerclage in hopes of helping me carry this baby to term. I hope and pray that things will go well, as I have always dreamt of being a mother.... yet I will never forget and will never take what Lindsey gave me away from her. She did a really good job of making me feel like a "Mommy".

I love you Lindsey.....
