The PPROM Page
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Sarah's Post PROM Story

By Sarah, San Diego, CA United States
PROM at 34 weeksDelivery at 34 weeks.
Story added: 2004-04-21
When I was pregnant with my first, I had a subcorniac hematoma bleed (SH) from 5 weeks to 20 weeks. My OB seemed very pro-active with my care as I had several ultrasounds to monitor the baby but as soon as the bleed cleared up at 20 weeks, I wasn't monitored as much. I saw a perinatologist (family friend) at 15 weeks to get his opinion and he thought that I might go into preterm labor. My Ob disagreed and I unfortunately stayed with her. My water broke at 34 weeks and my son was born. He had RDS and was in NICU for awhile. Was there anything my OB could have done to prevent that from happening?

Now, I'm 16 weeks, 4 days pregnant with my 2nd. I'm with the same group but a different OB. They know my situation but they haven't taken extra steps thus far. My OB tells me they will watch me closely near the end but I'm starting to wonder. I went to see her yesterday for my 16 weeks appointment (no u/s) and I told her that I was experiencing contraction-type feeling and was wondering if they could be Braxton Hicks. She told me I was too early for those and said it was just my uterus stretching. Later on that day I was experiencing the discomfort more and spiked a high temp of 101.5 with aches and chills. I called the office and had my OB paged since it was after 5 pm. My husband and I waited for an hour for a call (I even called back twice) until we decided to go to ER. The ER doctor was concerned because of my temp and my white bloood cells were very high. He said I had an infection but he wasn't positive what it was. They called in the OB on call, who is also in my group, and she didn't seem concerned. She released me under the assumption that I had a UT. Am I at greater risk for PPROM because of my past experience and because I have an infection now? Should I be under a perinatologist?

Any feedback would be appreciated....
