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Melissa's PROM Story

By Melissa Smothermon, Tulsa, Ok USA
PROM at 19 weeks + 5 days. Delivery at 26 weeks + 1 days.
Story added: 2005-11-05
Our Baby has Wings,

After becoming pregnant I suffered from various complications. I had hyperthyroid, but the most important being that I bled for the entire first trimester. My doctor said there was no way to treat it or anything he could do to stop it. This is my first pregnancy so I was naive. I belived him when he said that this wouldn't cause any further complications. I wish I would have know...At 19w5d I didn't feel well. I had woken up very early in the morning and thought I wet myself. I didn't understand but didn't say anything either. Later that night I had a horrible migraine so my mother came over. She said I should call the doctor because she believed my water had broke. I was instructed to go to the hospital immediatley. It seems everyone checked me once I was admitted but nobody said anything. Finally, after sitting alone with my finace a doctor walked in. He did an ultrasound then looked at us and said our baby would die. He informed me that we weren't "viable" yet and that I had suffered from PROM. We had no idea what that meant, but we prayed. He said I would probably deliver within the week if not very soon, but that there were some cases where women made it to nearly term. I believed...and then four days later I was sent home, still pregnant, but on bedrest since I showed no signs of infection. I was told to return to the hospital at 24weeks. Time passed and I continued to leak fluid. At 24weeks we checked into the hospital. There was still no fluid and no answers but everything else looked fine and I had received my steriod shots already. My daughter, Devyn, started to suffer from decells due to no fluid so I stayed monitored the majority of the following two weeks. At 26w1d I felt a series of horrible pains. The nurses pumped me full of fluids hoping it was because I was dehydrated. I knew I wasn't though. I was scared, it was too soon. My fiance got dressed and joined me in surgery shortly after they started cutting. Minutes passed while a NICU team gathered. She arrived with legs moving and hands thrown in the air. Devyn was alive! The NICU team had to paralyze her with medicine because she was fighting to hard, but within two hours she had inflated her own lungs. My daughter was fighting. In the end though her fight was shortlived. 37 1/2 hours after I had Devyn, she grew tired. She had maxed out on her meds. Her lungs were to little. My body had failed her. Our baby closed her eyes while in my arms and grew her wings. She was so perfect in every way, but still I had to bury her. Now she will forever live in the arms of God. I will never hear her cry or see her ride a bike. I won't be able to hold her when she's sick or laugh with her like I have my own mother, but this is ok. I have child now dances with God and plays with the other angels. I want ttc again, but I need more answers and now maybe those answers are within reach. Thank you for letting me share my story.

God bless,
Mother of Devyn Kamera Johnson
Oct. 5, 2005-Oct. 7, 2005 vynswings/