The PPROM Page
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Nicole's PROM Story

By Nicole, Melbourne, Victoria Australia
PROM at 32 weeks + 5 days. Delivery at 33 weeks + 3 days.
Story added: 2007-03-25
My pregnancy was going along smoothly until 32w and 5days i had the day off work for some tests. mid afternoon i was at home and felt a small leak, i ran to the toilet thinking i had wet myself. I was quiet embarrassed with myself and by the time my husband came home it had happened 3-4times.
That night we went to our ante-natal class but i never mentioned anything to the midwife thinking my pelvic floor was going on me.
The following day I went to work and tried to continue normally throughout the day. however i kepts having leaks and needing to change my pad. By the evening i was getting concerned so started looking up on the internet the difference between waters breaking and incontanence. The times it was happening was strange it would be standing after sitting, or after i had just been to the toilet.
the following day 33weeks my husband called the hospital and convinced me to go in. Even when leaving home i felt silly that i was going to be told i was wetting myself and go home.
How wrong i was, once it was discovered i had PROM i was admitted immediatley with bed rest.
I was very lucky i had not gotten an infection as it had been 48hours since PROM occured before i went to hospital. I was having very mild contractions but they stopped that night.
At 1am 33w3d i went into labour. Afetr 15hours and no dialation an emergency caesarian was performed.
My son was born weighing 5lb 1oz and 48cm what a big boy for 33weeks!
he spent 5days in NICU with breathing difficulties and a further 3 weeks in special care. He came home on day 25 and we haven't looked back since. He is turning 1 in 3weeks time and weighs 10kg! I am 10 weeks pregnant with baby 2 and hoping i can get further along with this pregnancy