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Stephanie's PROM Story

By Stephanie, Kenosha, WI USA
PROM at 31 weeks + 2 days. Delivery at 33 weeks + 6 days.
Story added: 2007-06-18
My husband and I had 6 children already before I got pregnant, and we had decided we weren't going to have anymore. Partly because I have really bad hyperemesis with my pregnancies.

In november 06 I found out I was pregnant, I was shocked and excited and scared all at the same time. We have never gotten pregnant without trying to before, in 19 years.

This pregnancy was different then all my others from the start. I didn't get sick until 9 weeks, usually I got sick right away, or at the latest by 6 weeks.

At 10 weeks I started bleeding, it was really scarry, I was sure I was loosing my baby. I had an ultrasound 2 hours before I started bleeding, so the doctor in the ER didn't think it was necessary to do another one. He told me that if I miscarried there was nothing they could do anyways. They checked my cervix, which was closed, and send me home on bedrest until the bleeding stopped. It stopped after 4 days, and my regular OB said to stay off my feet as much as possible.

The next 3 weeks I had short spotting episodes, every week for a couple of days. Every time I was told to go on bedrest until it stopped.

At around 16-18 weeks I had my tripplescreen test, which came back a 1 in 25 chance for Downs Syndrome, so my OB sent me to a High Risk Doc for a in depth ultrasound. The doctor stated he didn't see any signs for Downs, but he saw the reason for my bleeding. I had a subchorionic hematoma, I had no idea what that was. He explained that it was a bloodclot next to my placenta, apperently my placenta started to detach, when I had the initial bleeding, but then reattached, leaving the clot.

He recommended staying of my feet and not doing an amnio, because the clot put me at higher risk for my water to break. And he told us we were having a little boy. My husband was so excited, because we only had one boy who had just turned 18, and then we had 5 girls, so another boy was very special.

After that everything seemed to be fine, except for my hyperemisis, but that was expected. We had 2 more ultrasounds to check on the clot and by 27 weeks we were told the clot had disolved itself and was nolonger there. And that I could resume normal activities.

Since I was really sick alot, I was laying down alot anyways, so not much changed there.

On the morning of 5/23/07 I woke up feeling my water break, I jumped up terrified, all I could think of was that it was too early, I was only 31 weeks and 2 days.

I knew that his chance for survival was pretty good, but I also knew that the nearest NICU was 1 hour away. And I wasn't sure how well he would do if I had him here and he needed to be transported.

We went to our hospital right away, since I didn't know if I would go into labor or not, and my last labor was only 2.5 hours long.

At our local hospital they examined me, my cervix was still closed, so they started an IV, gave me a steroid injection for the babies lungs and sent me via ambulance to the hospital an hour away.

Once there I was hooked up to monitors and watched for almost 12 hours in L&D and they started me on antibiotics to prevent infection. I also met with anestisia, a nurse from the NICU and the Perenetologist who was going to be my doctor while I was there. They also did an ultrasound to determine if he was head down.

After the initial observation time I was moved to a room in the Antepartum unit, there I was to remain on bedrest until the baby was born. I was told to lay as flat as possible and I was only allowed to get up to use the bathroom, and I was allowed a sit down shower a day.

The next day they did an ultrasound to see how the baby was doing, and he was doing good, a bit bigger then expected and still a good amount of fluid left.

My doctor told me they wanted me to get to 34 weeks, and then they would induce if I hadn't gone into labor on my own, because by then the risks outweight the benefits of him remaining inside.

Well, I made it to saturday 6/9/07, 33 weeks 5 days, when my doctor came in and gave us a choice, sun, mon or tues, he said at this point either day was fine. Since he was on sunday and not monday we decided to go ahead with sunday, so we could have him deliver.

So on sunday morning they started my induction, I was warned that it may take longer since I was so early. And it did, 12 hours and 37 minutes, I haven't had a 12 hour labor since my first daughter was born 15 years ago. It was quiet the change, but I have to say the pain wasn't as bad as I had feared, and I made it thrue with 2 doses of IV meds and no epidural. (I have never had one, and I really didn't want one this time either)

The delivery was whole other situation, everybody expected it to go fast since he was so little. But, nobody expected him to come out face first, and not just face first, but chin first with his head tilted back. It was the most painfull birth I have ever had, and he was only 5 lbs 15 oz!

His poor face was all swollen and purple, he also had the cord wrapped around his neck twice and once around his leg.

He surprised everyone, he was kicking and screaming, and required no oxygen.

It has been exactly 1 week since I delivered, and it has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Our little Michael John is still in the NICU, but doing really well, he is nursing great and he is finally gaining some weight. The bruising is looking much better, and we hope to get him home tomorrow or the next day.

I know this is really long, but maybe it will encourage someone, that there is hope even if your water brakes early.