The PPROM Page
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Amanda's PROM Story

By Amanda Lopez, Ogden,UT USA
PROM at 18 weeksDelivery at 18 weeks.
Story added: 2009-04-07
This was my first pregnacy, me and my husband had been trying for 4 years to get pregnet and we finally did! On my 18th week exactly my water broke at 5:00 AM. Indint not know what was going on. My husband looked on the computer to see if he can ask some one what to do. He read a story just like what happend to me and all she said to do was wait to call my doctor when he gets in. And everything great for her and she delivered a healthly baby so i didnt worry. I called my doctor and they freaked out and told me to get to the ER or labor and deliverly. We went to labor and deliverly not thinking any thing bad. They admitted me, My doctor was called to the hospital(it was his day off) and he did a couplr of test. They came back positive for atomic fluid. They did a ultra sound and I only had 2% fluid inside. They talked to us and told us what was going on PPROM and I ahd to deliver. I was devastated!! We just found out 2 days before that we were having a boy. They started the medicien at 4:00 PM and I started to deliver at 11:20PM, a sweet baby boy, 9oz, 8in. He was beautiful. He was born not breathing, but he looked so alive just sleeping. This is the single most trying, sad, hard time in my life. I miss him so much.