The PPROM Page
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Kiersten's PROM Story

By Kiersten Cockrum, Fsm, Ar Usa
PROM at 15 weeks + 4 days. Delivery at 31 weeks + 5 days.
Story added: 2010-02-16
My water broke with baby A at 15weeks and 4 days. Baby B and baby C weren't ruptured. We were advised to wait a day and more than likely we'd be in labor and have to deliver. We went home, cried, prayed and waited. I went on full bedrest and each day they survived was a miracle. At 20 weeks I started having contractions. The meds I was given helped a lot but the bedrest, only getting up to use the restroom and the gallons of water I ingested over the next four months would be what saved my babies. ( obviously the Big Man upstairs himself had a plan all along ) I was able to stay home until a week before my emergency c section. At 30 weeks her water broke again. She never had more than 2cm of fluid around her at all times and her outcome was grim, to say the least. At 31.5 weeks we had 3 tiny babies. 3 months of the NICU and physical therapy for her, they are all happy and healthy!
Believe and be positive! There is nothing too big or too small He can't handle!!
Feel free to email me with any questions!