The PPROM Page
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Katie's PROM Story

By Katie, Delmont, Pa Usa
PROM at 28 weeks + 3 days. Delivery at 32 weeks.
Story added: 2010-03-08
My water broke at 2am on a Wednesday night. My husband was out of town. I had a normal pregnancy up until the point. Went to the ER and was admitted. Spent 3.5 weeks in the hospital on strict bedrest with no signs of labor. One night contractions came on all of sudden and were 1 min apart. Delivered via c-section about an hour later. Low apgars. My son had hip displasia and a dialated kidney. He spent 5 weeks in NICU. Got a UTI while in the NICU and had A&B's frequently. Couldn't learn to nurse and had somewhat more than normal difficulty in learning to suck. He was diagnosed with severe Gastro reflux and went home on an breathing moniter. No signs of brain bleeds. Thought all was fine until around 6 months and it was clear he was delayed. At 14 months he was diagnosed with severe PVL (white matter brain damage). And at 19 mo diagnosed as mild cerebal palsy. He is doing great though although just learning to walk (2yrs 2mo). Very smart and excellent speech skills. He has been a VERY VERY hard to deal with infant. Very fussy and miserable all of the time. PVL occurs usually between 28-32 weeks of pregnancy. My guess is something happened when my water broke. STill no medical explanation for my water breaking. This was my 2nd pregnancy and my 1st son was only 7mo when i got pregnant. I am thinking of getting preggo again in a couple months. Praying that this wont happen again. Statistically my son should be fine being born at 32wks but we are very blessed to have him anyway. He sure has taught me to be more patient. Best of luck to all of you who may be dealing with PROM at the moment.