The PPROM Page
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Sabrina's PROM Story

By Sabrina, Sacramento, Ca USA
PROM at 23 weeks + 5 days. Delivery at 30 weeks + 2 days.
Story added: 2010-09-07
june 28th 2010, I was lying in bed at night turned over a had a gush of fluid, went to the hospital, the fern test showed nothing. but on ultrasound there was only 4cm of fluid. I was atmited to the hospital's high risk maternity ward, given antibiotics and steroid shots, 2 times daily nst's and for the whole hospital stay i had no measurable fluid, as i was leaking large amounts daily. on august 12th i began having contractions that were painful and every 4-5 minutes, my white blood cell count went up and it seemed i was getting an infection. On "Friday the 13th" we had a c- section and there was a infection of the amniotic sac, my son was born weighing 3lbs 10 ozs 16in long. he had also gotten infected. he was breathing at birth but was weak because of the infection, and had to be put on a vent. but as of now he is doing great, still in the nicu but breathing by himself no oxygen needed he has had a smooth stay so far and is up to 4lbs 7ozs and working on learning to drink from a bottle.